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Ten Tips for a Green Ramadan

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Recite Quran in your garden 

Recite Quran with your family in the garden whilst listening to the birdsong. If you don’t have a garden then sit in front of an open window taking in fresh air. Enjoy Allah Almighty’s blessings whilst reciting Quran. 


Read a book and save energy 

Read stories from the seerah or other Islamic historical characters in the traditional book form. Try to stay away from electronic devices which consume energy.


Save water when doing wudhu

The Prophet Muhammad ï·º did wudhu using a vessel known as a ‘mudd’ which contains approx 350ml of water. Revive this Sunnah and save water. 


Give to charitable causes 

Ramadan is the month of charitable giving. Consider giving to causes tackling environmental issues. Poverty is heavily linked with the degradation of eco system services 


Plant a tree or a flower pot 

Plant a tree in your garden or plant some flowers. Plants are constantly doing dhikr of Allah Almighty and are a source of sadaqa jariya. 


Buy less from the shop, only what you need 

Only buy what you need, do not buy extravagant meals for suhoor and iftar. The Prophet Muhammad ï·º ate very simply.


Eat less meat 

Meat is one of the leading causes of climate change. Reduce your meat consumption during this month. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ very rarely ate meat and there are numerous ahadith warning against the over consumption of meat.‭ ‬


Waste management 

Apply the principles of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle with your waste. The emphasis should be on Reduce and Reuse which is the prophetic way. 


Ask your local mosque/Imam to speak about environmental issues 

Many Imams are now online and delivering sermons, call up your Imam and ask him to dedicate one of his talks to environmental issues. The Quran & Sunnah are full of eco references.


Make dua for the climate 

The power of dua should never be underestimated. Please ensure that you keep biodiversity, nature and everyone affected by the impact of climate change in your prayers.‭ ‬

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